Are your meetings lacking engagement?

Are you so focused on the set agenda that you become disconnected from the participants and lose their attention?

Do you struggle to understand what the right intervention might be to move the group toward achieving their desired outcomes?

To facilitate complex change and navigate the unknown we need to be able to read the energy in the room.

Facilitation is very different to coaching or presenting.

A facilitator holds the group processes and does not add to the content.

It’s left to you to hold the attention of the group and get them to engage, and that can be hard.

The problem is that we were not taught the skills of reading our participants energy or the collective energy in the room. We also weren't taught what group prompts or interventions can move a group forward when the energy is low or disengaged.

Once you have learnt the skills to read the group and listen for the unsaid, things get a whole lot easier and your interventions and meetings will become much more effective and intentional.
Simone is an unshakable optimist and future designer. She believes in our human potential and a brighter future that we must build together using our collective intelligence.

Simone uses the power of attention and intention in her unique facilitation style, which is her superpower that shapes the future and co-creates innovation in learning, leadership, and collaborative ways of working and leading together. For more than 2 decades, hundreds of people have enjoyed the gentle directness, warmth, authenticity, clarity and transformational power of Simone's leadership development events and interventions.

Simone founded Collective Insight in 2019 to help Large Global Businesses and Governments to create more sustainable ways of working together on our planet. It is her mission to raise the standards of inclusive and fair collaboration in the world for a better future for all.

We are bringing worlds together through facilitation.

What You'll Get

This one hour video will leave you with the tools necessary to read the energetic qualities and body language of your participants so you can facilitate through the unknown.

  • Understand the different qualities of energies and how to read them

  • Learn a 3 step process in response to noticing certain energies in the room

  • Get to know the skills needed to read energy to facilitate the unknown

What Attendees Have Said

Noticing subtleties


This webinar helped me go deep on 'noticing' skills and techniques. Simone had excellent knowledge on what to do to read the room and has a great mix on providing knowledge and techniques as well as group engagement.

Making the intangible, tangible


Simone had clear and practical insights to support deeper facilitation practice and made 'energy' something tangible.

Deeper listening


Simone helped me realise that online facilitation doesn't have to be different to in person. She showed me how to deepen and refine my skills to listen to the cues and audio to read the individual and groups energy regardless of the platform.

Normalising conflict


I struggled with what to do when triggers emerge in facilitating groups but attending this webinar taught me how to own what's mine and how to manage myself when someone or something outside of myself is triggering or distracting me. Simone was very skillful at showing how to give permission and normalise conflict when it arises.

'Being with'


Thank you Simone for a fantastic webinar. I learned so much about 'being with'. I loved it!



I'm now able to distinguish between when reading the energy is essential vs not. Thanks!

Being the mirror


A key learning for me was "you are the mirror of your group". So powerful.

Become the attuned facilitator who can navigate and channel the collective and individual energy of any group