Would you like to create more trust and safety in the groups you lead?

  • Hidden Agendas

    Without consent and explicitly naming the consent, stakeholders tend to run their hidden agendas implicitly, leading to delays in alignment and difficulties reaching the desired outcomes.

  • Festering Conflict

    Without explicit agreements and group consent, individual personality traits and conflicting values can get in the way of achieving the desired outcome, resulting in expensive project delays.

  • The wrong people in the room.

    Without checking for consent right from the start, the wrong people can show up in the room and sabotage the achievement of the desired outcomes and waste time and money by going around in circles.

Know That You Can

Talking about consent facilitation is only one aspect of exploring and learning about this subject. To make real change we need to embody different behaviours and practices.  For this reason, we offer this 1/2 -Day Consent Facilitation workshop where we look at the skills that are needed and practice together to develop them.  

Program Learning Outcomes

This is an experiential program. Learn by doing and observing how to facilitate real buy-in right from the start and throughout your group engagement. .

  • Understand how create an aligned Purpose and Culture

  • Learn Processes to create Safety and Trust from the beginning.

  • Get an overview of Key Competencies.

  • Practice the "Four Quadrants of Consent".

  • Get comfortable being with disagreement.

  • Learn about The River to Consent Model.

Lead Trainer

Founder of Collective Insight

Simone Maus

Simone Maus is an experienced facilitator, coach and trainer working in the government, corporate business, and community sectors. Simone is the founder of Collective Insight, a company that focuses on helping leaders and organisations with collaborative leadership training, meaningful stakeholder engagement, cross-sector collaboration, team development and collaborative ways of working. Simone is also a business partner with Zenergy Global Australia, a leading organisation in facilitator training and cooperative ways of working formed in 1993. Simone has been a trainer of these programs for 10+ years. Simone also works as a consultant and Culture Architect with The Zone Global Partnership (thezone.co) using collaborative, whole-person processes to transform organisational development towards more collaboration and high-performing teams. In the last two years, Simone has worked as a consultant and facilitator predominantly in the mining industry with leaders in Rio Tinto, Newmont, and the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining at the University of Queensland. Contact: [email protected], 0481296728, www.collectiveinsight.com.au

What previous Clients have learnt.

  • 6 thinking hats process, The river to consent model and the wheel of consent model.

  • The difference between consensus and consent and ensuring participants consent to Purpose, process and content.

  • Check consent, even on the "simple" parts of a session.

Countdown timer

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  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds